Lean Management in the Freight Transportation Department: Initial Results and Plans

NIBULON continues to improve its internal processes by applying Lean management principles to the freight transportation department. This approach is aimed at optimizing repair work, efficiently using resources, and creating a transparent management system that will reduce costs and increase fleet reliability.

As part of the Lean management implementation strategy, a detailed plan was developed that includes the standardization of key repairs, the organization of work processes using the 5S methodology, the integration of daily management, and the implementation of predictive repair planning based on spare parts inventory analysis. Significant attention was devoted to staff training, as people are the key factor in the success of the changes.

A professional team has already been formed, consisting of mechanics and technical specialists. The team underwent off-site training at the service base, after which the main repair operations for standardization were identified. The first results are already visible with Scania trucks, for which the operation descriptions have been completed, and similar work is ongoing with other types of vehicles.

At the same time, the development of Standard Operating Cards (SOCs) was initiated. These cards provide a detailed description of each operation, including tools, execution time, and efficient actions. This approach will ensure a unified standard for repair work, which will reduce the number of errors and increase work efficiency.

The implementation of Lean management in the freight transportation department also involves the introduction of the 5S system. The first step will be to sort the workspace, which will ensure organization in the repair areas and create comfortable conditions for workers. In addition, a matrix of qualifications is being developed during the process, which will help assess the skill levels of employees and ensure their compliance with modern requirements.

These changes are already showing the potential for a deep transformation in management approaches within the company. Creating a clear structure, transparent standards, and proper organization of work processes will be an important step in improving the efficiency of freight transport. NIBULON continues to move towards innovative development while maintaining its position as a leader in Ukraine’s agricultural sector.

Previously, we wrote about the implementation of Lean management principles in the network of elevator complexes.

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2017, 2019

Андрій Вадатурський


Андрій Вадатурський став генеральним директором «НІБУЛОНу» після понад 15 років роботи в компанії — в липні 2022 року.

Він прийняв цю посаду після трагічної загибелі свого батька та засновника «НІБУЛОНу» Олексія Вадатурського разом із матір’ю Раїсою Вадатурською під час російського ракетного удару по їхньому дому в Миколаєві.

З 2014 до 2019 рік був народним депутатом України від одномандатного округу в Миколаївській області та членом Комітету з питань аграрної політики. У 2017 році створив і очолив велику міжпартійну групу, яка виступала за розвиток українських річок як транспортного засобу.  

Має ступінь магістра електротехніки Українського державного морського технічного університету та ступінь магістра економіки промисловості Лондонської школи економіки. У 2009 році за вагомий внесок у розвиток агропромислового комплексу України був нагороджений Президентом України, йому присвоєно звання «Заслужений працівник сільського господарства».

Одружений, має трьох дітей.

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