From the 20th till the 22nd of May 2009 in Mykolayiv within the framework of one exhibition there were carried out the 25th international exhibition “Shipbuilding -2009” and the 7th specialized exhibition “Water transport”. Ministry of industrial policy of Ukraine, Ministry of Transport and Communications of Ukraine, Association of Shipbuilders of Ukraine supported the exhibition in which Ukrainian and foreign companies and organizations took place. Mayor of Mykolayiv city Volodymyr Dmytrovych Chaika opened the exhibition. He pointed out that shipbuilding has a great meaning for economics of our country and developing this branch Ukraine will be able to solve different economic and social problems. So because of that our shipbuilding branch has to get a support from the state and private capital. We can not strike Mykolayiv as a city of shipbuilders off the world map. The guest from Poland agreed with the mayor’s words, noted that Polish companies are looking for Ukrainian business partners and such an effective cooperation will give a chance to make the first step to the revival of Ukrainian shipbuilding. After greetings there was a solemn opening of the exhibition exposition that included different achievements in shipbuilding and namely: machinery, technological lines, materials, specialized and complex equipment. Also within the framework of the exhibition there were carried out the scientific conference and the meeting of Association of Shipbuilders of Ukraine “Ukrsudprom” with the assistance of managers of Ukrainian shipbuilding companies, deputies and guests from Poland. Nearly 40 Ukrainian and foreign companies took part in the exhibition. They displayed their production in such main sections as “Prospect of shipbuilding development”, “Shipbuilding equipment”, “Port equipment”, “Water transport”, “Ship repair” and other. One of biggest national agricultural producers, national investor and grain trader “NIBULON” also took place in this exhibition. The participants showed interest in NIBULON exposition. That was a representation of the biggest for 18 years of the company activity investment project in the value of $150 mln. The project includes construction of seven elevators in Poltava, Cherkasy, Dnipropetrovs’k and Zaporizhzhya regions, total grain storage capacity of which comprises about 300 000 tons; construction and purchase of 14 (sea and river) tugboats and construction of 24 barges with dead-weight of 108 000 tons. The aim of the project is to revive the Dniper river as the thruway, to restore the sailing along the river and to transport grains through the waterway. The exhibition organizers and its participants hope that such an exhibition will give an opportunity to develop export and import markets of shipbuilding production and to increase productive capacity of shipbuilding companies of Ukraine. Photo report