In the fall of 2022, on the eve of massive missile attacks that led to blackouts, NIBULON thought about implementation of cloud technologies. The existing server infrastructure deployed on-premises in Kyiv was only partially reserved for power. Power outages could lead to an extended shutdown of the company, for example due to lack of access to key business applications. Additional attention was also required to the process of ensuring remote access to a large number of internally displaced employees.The company’s IT-department took into account the risks and warnings about the possible events of the winter that were approaching and proposed an effective way to secure the company's data and maintain business continuity, namely the usage of cloud technologies.Migration to the cloud began with a detailed analysis of implementation options. Among the existing alternatives, which included proposals from the world's leading service providers, we chose the Microsoft Azure solution as the best suited to the broad needs of NIBULON. All critical business services of the organization were covered by the cloud which excludes failures in the company's work today. Additionally, to reserve communication channels, STARLINK satellite communication equipment was installed. It supports Internet access for such company´s branches as Bessarabska, Reshetylivska, Vradiivska, Zolotoniska, Teteriv, Smotrych, Marianivska, Hlobinska, Voznesenska, Novoodeska, Vitove and an office in Mykolaiv.Given the presence of internal IT competence, the migration work was carried out on our own. Thus, the deployment of the system was completed in one month, inclusive with a complete data transfer.Now, when we can consider that the situation in the energy system has stabilized, we are summing up the results of the project. We can state that thanks to the usage of cloud technologies, one of the most difficult winters in the history of modern Ukraine passed without interruptions in NIBULON's work.We would like to express our special thanks to Microsoft which provides Azure services on special favorable terms in support of Ukrainian enterprises during the war.