Last Saturday, on May the 30th general director of “NIBULON”, the Hero of Ukraine O.O. Vadaturskyy together with his deputy on trade A.O. Vadaturskyy and deputy on the issues of the shipping safety A. O. Volyk, and the head of the department of the shipping development V. A. Kozakevych have visited “Wadan Yards Okean” shipbuilding plant to check the workflow of the barges construction.
After their visit to the production workshops, engaged with the order from “NIBULON” and a conversation with the plant administrative staff, O.O. Vadaturskyy informed: “I’m very satisfied with the state of affairs. Everything proceeds according to the schedule. What I’ve seen fascinates: both dimensions and the speed of the project fulfillment. It flatters that vessels constructed by “Wadan Yards Okean” to the order of “NIBULON” will prowl the oceans and rivers. That’s why I personally made a photo report for you to see everything with your own eyes.”
Photo report