Within the framework of his visit to Kyiv region President Victor Yushchenko held consultative meeting dedicated to financial state of agricultural enterprises and situation in animal husbandry. Participants of the meeting were Minister for Agrarian Policy Yuriy Mel’nyk, National Bank Chairman Volodymyr Stel’makh, Deputy Chief of President`s Staff Oleksandr Shlapak and Heads of Regional Administrations. In his opening speech Mr. President stressed the necessity of rapid changes in state agrarian policy. “We should seriously reconsider needs and ways of agrarian sector reconstruction” – Mr. President appealed. “Agrarian sector trapped into critical situation due to prise controls in all spheres of agricultural production”, – said Victor Yushchenko during consultative meeting on financial situation of in agriculture and animal husbandry.” “A prohibition of wheat and oil export, as much as agricultural production profitability regulation were determined by extremely false way of “inflation suppressing” measures”, – said Mr. President. Obviously, according to President’s words, the government meant, that the prices for bread will reduce if they will inhibit grain producers to export the grains abroad. Instead, such approaches lead to losses for our grain producers, escalating in commodity markets and production sphere. Mr. President underlined that grain export restriction took place at the moment when prices for grain in world markets reached their highest point. Victor Yushchenko called to make judgements on a situation of 2008. Otherwise, to his mind, situation is going to take a turn for the worse due to such regulations. Victor Yushchenko suggested that participants of the meeting made their suggestions to a draft presidential decree on measures aimed at improving the situation in agriculture. The measures would include increasing competitiveness of Ukrainian agriculture with regard to our country’s membership in the WTO and fighting global economic crisis impact on the sector. Making a speech on the meeting, Volodymyr Klymenko, the President of Ukrainian Grain Association, mentioned the necessity of the urgent governmental decisions, meant to boost the grain market and grain export development. Following issues were placed for consideration: – Ministry of Finance and State Tax Administration of Ukraine should liquidate all debts of VAT dd. 01/04/2009 to the grain exporters, members of Ukrainian Grain Association and make it customary to return VAT to grain exporters within a month up from 01/05/2009. Such measures are caused by the fact, that belated VAT return put in jeopardy export programs realization and virtually freezes construction of dozens of elevators, which are important for Ukraine. – Ministry of Transport and Communications of Ukraine and Antimonopoly Committee of Ukraine should analyze the value of the services and economical justification of the fare and additional tallages on the services of the State Administration of the Railway Transport of Ukraine (Ukrzaliznytsya), port tillages with intention to shrink them given double or even triple landslide of prices for grain on the world market. – Ministry of Foreign Affairs of Ukraine should intensify the export of Ukrainian grain to Egypt. – Ministry of Agrarian Policy of Ukraine, Ministry of Finance of Ukraine, and Ministry of Foreign Affairs of Ukraine should complete the procedure of accession to the International Grain Council ( London), and expedite works on Ukrainian grain selling within the framework of UN programs. – Taking into consideration the importance to the state of realization of the investing project of the “NIBULON” (Mykolayiv) aimed to restore the thruway along the Dniper and to secure the access of the cargo vessels to the transshipment terminal (the project realization will allow agrarians to have additional income of approximately UAH 1 billion), Cabinet of Ministers of Ukraine and Heads of the corresponding Regional State Administrations should provide all possible support in project realization, Ministry of Transport and Communications of Ukraine should without any delay permit the bottom dredging on the legs, rented to “NIBULON Ltd.”. – The increase of grain production in Ukraine up to 80-100 m tons may aggravate a problem of grain sale and its production. The creation of bio fuel industry in Ukraine can partially solve this problem. Form one side, the bio fuel industry should become a huge consumer of Ukrainian wheat and its waste products, and from the other shrink oil and petroleum refinery products import. The head of the state also held meetings with the Head of Poltava Regional Administration Valeriy Asadchev, the Head of Kyiv Regional Administration Vira Ulyanchenko, and General Director of “NIBULON”, Hero of Ukraine Oleksiy Vadaturskyy. During the meeting, Oleksiy Vadaturskyy told Mr. President about the results of grain and oilseeds export of “NIBULON” for few last years, the development of cooperation with Libya in the frameworks of agreements, reached by the Heads of the states in April, 2008. General Director of “NIBULON” was included as a member of official delegation during the visit of President of Ukraine to Libya. The development of cooperation with Egypt was also the point of discussion. Its worth mentioning, that in comparison with marketing year 2006/2007, the supplies of corn in this marketing year to Egypt has shown a growth of 48.5%, to Libya – 76.1%. More 300 000 tons of corn are planned to be supplied to Egypt till the end of this marketing year. The company takes active part in tender execution, which was held in the frameworks of World Food Program by UN aimed to give help to starving countries. To fulfill the program 160 238 mt of food wheat were already discharged for export, including: to Eritrea <td width="20%" valign="top" align="