NIBULON LTD always takes care for professional growth of its staff. The main aim of the last visit to the USA was to gain the experience in quality of maize. This issue is of current importance for Ukrainian agricultural sector so following the plan of general director of NIBULON LTD Oleksiy Vadaturskyy the directors of elevators of NIBULON visited Ohio the “corn belt”. The delegation of seven specialists such as: Artem Perzhyns’kyy (director of “Smotrych” branch Khmel’nyts’kyy region), Roman Andreikiv (director of “Agrokombinat Vradiyivs’kyy” Mykolayiv region), Valeriy Reutsoy (director of “Reshetylivs’ka” branch Poltava region), Sergiy Prybysh (director of “Zolotonis’ka” branch Cherkasy region), Igor Ryabokon’ (chief engineer of “Kolosovs’kyy elevator” Mykolayiv region), Oleksandr Lepko (director of the transshipment terminal for grain and oilseeds in Mykolayiv city), Oleksandr Gaiday (director of “Kamyanets’-Podil’s’ka” branch Khmel’nyts’kyy region) during ten days were getting acquainted with production techniques, after-ripening refinement of American maize, their equipment and with the attitude of the farmers to the quality of their own production. They also communicated with research workers of American agrarian university, visited port elevator “The Andersons” and some other companies. So the guests from Ukraine saw and visited everything they wanted, from the field to big transshipment terminal. By tradition after their return under the direction of general director of “NIBULON LTD” Oleksiy Vadaturskyy and deputy general director of trading Andriy Vadaturskyy with the assistance of heads of the company departments and other specialists there was held the meeting with the purpose to discuss the variants of improvement of existed drying equipment and to reach a decision concerning further activities in this important issue. “To compete with American and Argentine maize we should guarantee high quality of our production for export” – pointed out O. Vadaturskyy – “As you know this year we plan to put into operation four out of seven new elevators. So export will increase and with it our responsibility concerning grain quality will increase. We should find the variants to buy new dryers for new elevators and to choose their supplier. I hope that we use your American experience.” During the discussion it became known that nearly each American elevator is equipped with dryer with different capacity from 20 to 170 tons and of different producers but all of them use energy-efficient technologies. Usually they use dryers of tower type, that use gas less by half in comparison with usual for us modular dryers, but they can not use them for different products – for each dryer its own product. So there was a proposal to modernize “nibulon” dryers taking into consideration the issue of energy saving. One should know that even small American farmer has a fleet of 2 or 3 cars and its own harvester. Grain storage capacities of their granaries are from 500 to 18 000 tons, the biggest are located in ports. There are also open areas for grain storage, as, for example, in port elevator «The Andersons», where 2 places with total area of 50 thousand tons are located. It is important that every agricultural producer takes care about the quality of his products already at the stage of its production. So the Ukrainian legislation does not enable to demand from the farmer to grow qualitative production. Summing up the meeting O. Vadaturskyy noted that the trip was useful. It is pleasant that much of the received information will be used in our company. For Ukrainian maize to be competitive at the world market we have to do a lot to bring to the producer’s attention the requirements of the quality of maize. We hope that all of the participants of grain market will be interested in this issue. Photo report