O. Henry, the author of the “The Gentle Grafter” (which was cited), never visited Nikolaev. But his favourite hero just in few words describes everything, which has happened here. Though, not with a trust, but a holding company – “Chernomorskiy Shipbuilding Yard” State Holding Company. One of the biggest shipyards in Europe, which produced more than a thousand of ships, failed in surviving the post-perestroika decline of the economy.
Complaining on “objective factors” and “lack of financing” has long time ago become improper among those leaders, who did look for the real ways out of the crisis, but not just “excuses”. Last year “NIBULON Ltd.” bought a quay on the shipbuilding Yard’s territory, which construction was not finished. Having a good reputation in business circles (inter alia, a loan was provided to the company at the World Bank’s support), “NIBULON” could share investment projects with a partner.