Despite all the vagaries of nature, the company has successfully completed the harvest. Record grain group was threshed, that is more than 108 thousand tons, which is 10% higher than last year. Winter wheat crop has the largest share in this quantity – nearly 90 thousand tons! It should be noted that this is a maximum croppage in recent years. This is another labor victory of friendly staff of “NIBULON”! Farmers of the company were able to complete the harvest in time, demonstrating the high quantitative and qualitative harvest indicators on the back of increasing of load on harvesters and increased productivity indicators compared with the last year. Difficult trials prepared by weather such as torrid autumn, low temperatures in winter and early spring, which led to partial failure of winter crops, did not become an obstacle for “NIBULON’s” farmers. Current gathering is also marked by adverse weather conditions, there were precipitation all the time, which hindered the operational execution of works, slowing down high rates of harvesting. We want to mark the leaders of this year’s harvest! They are “Chygyryn” branch – 11 500.00 tons, director Oleksandr Trypuz, RE “Lidiyivs’ke” – 10 600.00 tons, director Oleksandr Tereshchenko and “Snigurivs’ka” – 9 100 tons, director Yuriy Moroz, they have reached maximum early croppage among the branches. The highest yield of winter wheat was reached in the branches: “Pivdennyy Bug” – 54.3 dt ha, chief agronomist Valentyn Krasuts’kyy, “Khmil’nyk” – 50.2 dt ha, chief agronomist Igor Voytenko, “Pryseymivs’ka” – 49.5 dt ha, chief agronomist Vitaliy Okhrymenko. It should be noted that yield of winter crops in some fields in the area of Northern Ukraine exceeded 80.0 dt ha. Bring to notice the important fact! Yield in the branches of the company exceeds the same in Ukraine. Thus, in the steppe zone the average yield is 39.8 dt ha in the branches, exceeding the same indicator in the zone by 7.2 dt ha, in the forest-steppe zone – 5.5 dt ha, in forest area – 3.8 dt ha. Branches of the company can boast of decent quality indicators of the harvest. In the current season the company has harvested 75 577.00 tons of high, I-III classes, corn takes about 87% in the gross share. Teams of the branches have worked well to protect early grain and have not allowed destruction of wheat by corn-bug above the level of 0.2%, among them there are teams of the following branches: RE “Lidiyivs’ke”, “Prybuzhanivs’ka”, “Pryseymivs’ka” and several others. We want to thank all the departments and branches of “NIBULON” that contributed to the results of this year’s harvest! We would like to express the words of gratitude to agronomists, logisticians, engineers of the company that provided uninterrupted operation in the fields, accelerating the completion of harvesting works. As soon as “harvest festivals” are completed on the branches of the company, the work will be started again! Harvesting of sunflower has been started today at “Snigurivs’ka” branch, results of the first control threshing give a hope for a good harvest of the oilseeds. Soon harvesting of buckwheat, soybeans, sorghum will be started. But it is necessary to think about harvest of 2012: currently the branches of the company have conducted sowing of winter rape over an area of more than 1000 hectares, preparation of the soil for sowing of winter wheat is fully carried out over an area of about 24 thousand hectares. A good host will always take care in advance. At the time fertilizers, crop-protection agents required for the autumn field works are fully supplied to the enterprises of the company. Supply of seeds and disinfectants is being continued. Crop desiccation works by airplane are carried out. The works on supply of commodities and materials for the start of fieldworks are in the full swing in the production department of the company. Another important phase of production activity of the company is completed – the team of “NIBULON” again has something to be proud of!