Mykola Tymoshchuk is 20. He is one of the youngest employees of NIBULON, who today defend Ukraine from russian invaders.
While studying for the 2nd year of Mykolaiv Polytechnic Vocational College on specialty “Shipbuilding”, Mykola came to NIBULON for internship as a crane operator, and in 2021 he started to work for a SSY, combining studies and work. But the full-scale invasion of russian invaders postponed his plans for an indeterminate period (precisely postponed but not destroyed, because we are sure, eventually the victory will be ours and each of us will come back to his normal life!)/
Mykola started to serve even before the start of the full-scale invasion – since December 2021 he is in the National Guard of Ukraine for contractual service. Despite the fact that this guy had no real military experience, he went to the front from the first days of the war. Whereas Mykola earlier literally worked in the sky, today he defends it for us:
“Although everyone talked about the possible invasion of russian federation for more than one week, for me the war still became unexpected, and events evolved too fast. I just could not believe that something like that is possible in our days. On the 24th of February I read the news, monitored where and what was happend all the time. The final awakening, that the country was at the war, came at the end of the day. At the same time I decided for myself: I must do everything in my power to prevent the invaders from taking our land.
Now I serve in the Air Forces of the Armed Forces of Ukraine. Unfortunately, I cannot tell more about where I am and what I do. I believe that sooner or later we will kick the enemies out from our land – then I will be able to share and tell all my story.
I dream of our fastest victory and return to native Mykolaiv, family and friends. I am looking forward to returning to our company. During the entire time that I am at the front, I keep in touch with my colleagues, I feel their support from hundreds of kilometers away, and I am endless grateful for that!”