Snizhana Zlobenets is convinced: there are no “important” or “unimportant” professions in this war, any contribution matters. Therefore, with the beginning of the full-scale invasion of russian federation, Snizhana continued to work in her profession. Only the workplace has changed – now it is the ranks of Ukraine’s armed forces.
Snizhana is economist by education, from 2021 she works on the Zelenodolska branch as an document management economist on trade and procurement activities. Snizhana told us via the phone about her first reaction to the beginning of the war, her personal contribution and dreams:
“On February 23, from the very morning, I received messages from friends saying, “It’s started…”. I could not believe that we really had a war. It seemed that I was dreaming and I just needed to wake up – then everything would be over. I believed only when my father called me and confirmed everything. He is a military officer, with the rank of major, after talking with him, I realized that everything is serious.
The decision to go and to defend our country came when I saw photos of the attacked branch in the work chat. The feeling was like somebody broke into my own house, robbed it, turned everything upside down. They hurt me to the bottom of my heart.
I understood that I was not a professional soldier, I did not know how to shoot, apply tourniquets, and make bandages. But at the same time, I understood that the army needs everybody. My front – is my brain. I came to my father (at that time, he worked with families of dead or missing soldiers), I told him that I want to help, to do anything just to be useful to my country.
There was not much time for family meetings. I told my husband that I was going to join the army. At first he offered me to go abroad, but I refused. Remember how I told him then: “My border ends on the Ukrainians borders. You are here, and I am here”. He accepted my decision and did not dissuade me.
From May 2022, I joined the ranks of Ukraine’s armed forces. I joined the financial department, starting with the position in the rank of soldier. Now I am already an officer with the rank of sub lieutenant, a deputy head of the financial department of the subdivision No.129 in Kryvyi Rih.
The subdivision, where I serve, manages 7 financial services. My responsibilities include accounting of the personnel who stand on the financial support of the unit and the subdivision as a whole, calculation and payment of the financial support for all personnel of the military unit, payment of financial assistance to the wounded, as well as to the families of dead or missing soldiers.
Financial payments, accounting, cash flow control are all the same things I did before. But there is one essential detail – the war and the grief which was brought with it to absolutely everyone. Every task, document, report is imbued with this. The most difficult thing I face in military service, in working with the relatives of a dead or missing soldier, is the question “Why exactly my…?”. And the most difficult thing is to find an answer to this question. At this moment, I try to be useful and help them as quickly and professionally as possible in calculating the appropriate monetary payments.
Now I dream that all this will end as soon as possible. I dream of telling my future children about the victory. Put on a uniform and attend the victory parade. Become part of the great history of the free world.
Of course, I am waiting to return to my “peaceful” job at NIBULON. I am proud of our company, the contribution we make to the development of the country in such a hard time! Unfortunately, lately we communicate with colleagues less than before, but I feel the support of the company, I know that they remember me, care about me, and wait for me. I hope that we will meet very soon in a free country!”