The company's grain storage complexes and transshipment terminals are modern enterprises of the European model and, by their purpose, are complex objects with an increased risk of fire and other emergency situations. NIBULON not only invests funds in ensuring the best and safest working conditions, but also conducts special training and briefings to prevent possible man-made emergencies.Thus, on October 10 and 12, the fire safety department of NIBULON held a number of training events at the transshipment terminal, which included theoretical and practical parts. Among the participants of the training sessions were employees of all four shifts of the terminal and the administration.During the theoretical study, Oleksandr Makedonskyi and Vitalii Sapozhnikov spoke in detail about the procedure for the occurrence and extinguishing of a conditional fire, about the procedure for supplying water with the involvement of a fire engine and the external fire-fighting water supply of the transshipment terminal.In order to practice theoretical knowledge and skills, a legend was proposed, according to which there was a conditional ignition of grain storage containers. Adhering to the regulations, the terminal specialists took the necessary measures to eliminate the conditional fire in the containers and to cool the neighboring silos to prevent the fire from increasing in area.It is worth noting that training on civil protection and fire protection is regularly held at all the company's enterprises. In addition, divisions of the NIBULON company systematically become sites for tactical and special training of fire protection of fire and rescue units of the State Emergency Service. This greatly contributes to the prevention of emergency situations, complete readiness and coordination of actions in the event of their occurrence.