At the beginning of April of this year, the NIBULON company received the second GCS-200 mechanical demining platform from the Swiss company Global Clearance Solutions.
The company also received attachments for the third and fourth demining machines, which will arrive already this summer. In addition to attached equipment, sets of rubber linings for tracks for demining machines were delivered to the enterprise. This will keep the asphalt pavement intact while the GCS-200 is being driven to the application site.
As you know, the GCS-200 is designed for heavy demining tasks with maximum survivability in difficult environmental conditions. The machine is effective for neutralizing anti-personnel and anti-tank mines. Incidentally, one such machine is capable of clearing an area the size of a football field every day, destroying explosives and returning agricultural land to the economy and infrastructure to civilian use. The main advantage of the GCS-200 is not only the productivity and scope of demining, but also the preservation of the deminer’s life. After all, the car is controlled remotely
We thank the Swiss company Global Clearance Solutions, which provides NIBULON with modern demining equipment fresh from production. We are also grateful to the German Federal Ministry for Economic Cooperation and Development (BMZ) and the German State Development Bank (KFW DEG), which co-finance the project.
We will remind you that NIBULON deminers have recently successfully passed certification for three processes of humanitarian demining and already have certificates for “Non-technical survey”, “Technical survey”, “Manual demining” and “Clearing the area of hostilities”. And now specialists are undergoing certification in “Demining with the use of machines and mechanisms”.