Since his student years, Oleksiy Vadaturskyy had been laying canals, at first working on the construction of a gas pipeline and later expanding waterways from fields to the countries facing hunger. To this end, our company has built a river fleet, invested $2.3 billion in the Ukrainian economy and the development of river navigation, built 14 modern river transshipment terminals.The motto of the Hero of Ukraine has always been “DO NOT GIVE UP!”. By his own example, Oleksiy Vadaturskyy sowed the seeds of activity and perseverance in every NIBULON’s employee. Now it is the time for the seeds to sprout among a wider circle of Ukrainians. We must fight, take a state position, and develop Ukraine’s economy in these challenging historical times.We would remind you that the “Person of the Year” award from the Higher Academic Council of the National Program honors public figures who have made the greatest contribution to the development of Ukraine and Ukrainian society. The main goal of the event is to promote and develop the ideas of patriotism, independence, and national unity.In the conditions of a large-scale armed resistance to russian aggression, the “Person of the Year” program managed to quickly adapt to new realities, combining a relevant social component with a charitable one by participating in fundraising for the Ukrainian Defense Forces.Undoubtedly, this year's award ceremony was special. In addition to the traditional awards in national professional nominations, special and international awards, the Higher Academic Council of the National Program “Person of the Year” introduced a number of special military-patriotic awards under the general name “UNBROKEN” for the first time. These awards were given to those who, sparing neither their health nor their lives, showing heroism, courage, and bravery, continue to bravely fight for our freedom on all fronts – from the military and medical personnel to energy workers and rescuers.